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SME’s – How Secure Is Your Virtual Desktop Environment

As we become more connected with our multiple Wi-Fi enabled devices, the growing alternatives for several SMEs has seen a revolutionary change in the way we operate our IT provision.  With many suppliers today offering accessibility to the cloud and the option of a digital desktop, the one thing that many small and medium size businesses will need to think about is how secure it all is. My good friend, Bruce Skinner from explains more.

What is a Virtual Desktop?

If you’ve been in business for some time you will be acquainted with the computer in the office that is linked to your IT system and contains specific kinds of software that are important for the day to day running of your office.  In the last few decades, the sea change has been away from onsite IT provision to hosted systems where your key desktop apps and data are now held with a central server that is accessed on the internet.  The cloud allows you to access your digital desktop from almost anywhere and any system which has a Wi-Fi link.  That means that you can log onto any computer and also get access to all of your kit without being tied down.

The Advantage to SMEs

The large advantage of cloud hosting is that SMEs receive all of the computing power they need at a fraction of the price and access to a selection of professional knowledge that would otherwise be restrictive in a standard workplace.  Employees can access their main apps, messages and email from anywhere so long as they have a system that can connect to the server site.  This contributes to more cooperation, more productive operating practices and exposure into the newer technologies that is often lacking in more traditional, small business set ups. 

Safety Risks and the Virtual Desktop
There’s no doubt that we face a constant struggle to keep our information protected and many SMEs are now aware that they can be the target of malicious attacks.  Many businesses opt to acquire access to this cloud via a third party which helps reduce labor and hardware expenses.  The success of the organisations has in part been due to the introduction of robust security processes that involves the most recent encryption and backup techniques.
These hosting businesses need to make sure that they provide the needed patches and software upgrades that keep businesses safe.  The company itself is also needed to develop a powerful protocol for using the digital background of which all staff know.  This includes using strong passwords and proper use and good cloud servers nowadays ought to be proficient in advising this area.
There is no doubt that our online security has gotten more complicated over the last few years and having access to the ideal type of expertise is increasingly important for businesses whether they are big corporations or smallish start-ups. 
Choosing the Right Hosted Desktop
Picking the right company to host your virtual desktop is important if you would like to maintain the ideal level of computing power along with a secure environment.  Like many services it pays to shop around and have a closer look before committing to any contract or arrangement. 
Reputable companies, such as Pisys now provide a more tailored support which means they’ll utilize a business to explore the best solutions for their particular needs rather than burdening an organisation having an unnecessary one size fits all strategy. The company will also have a grip on the complex world of security threats and will have the ability to work with organisations to construct a robust and easy to follow security strategy for all members of personnel.  That means that they have the experience on site and can demonstrate that it operates efficiently to keep a company safe.

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