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Why I Love WordPress

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One of the most popular blogging platforms on the internet is WordPress. I use it on this site. It can easily be added to your domain. This will allow you to make blog posts and customize your website within minutes. WordPress is popular because of the plugins and themes that can be used. This blogging platform will allow a novice to create a full featured website rapidly, regardless of their prior experience. For some, WordPress is preferable because of how it can help websites rank higher in the search engines. Here are the top WordPress SEO strategies that I have developed in conjunction with my web designers, Azzurro Blu that you can use to help you achieve top rankings using this blogging platform.

An Overview Of WordPress

WordPress is a free content management system. It is very easy to add it to your domain. Once you have purchased a domain, and you have changed the name server, you can add this domain to your web hosting platform. By going into cPanel, you can create the email address for your website, and also install the WordPress blogging platform. After it is installed, it is accessible through a username and password that you will set up. This will allow you to access the WordPress control panel. Once inside, you can make changes to customize the way that your website looks. You can also add content that will be SEO optimized.

How WordPress Helps With SEO

There are several reasons why WordPress is … Read the rest

Some Natural Cures For Stubborn Acne

Just ask anyone who has ever suffered from acne and they will tell you that one of the most annoying things is when you have tried lots of acne treatments but none have worked and you feel completely at the end of your tether. You know, it gets to the point when you start to think that you have tried every cream, applied every lotion, and taken every supplement in a vain attempt to make your skin better. But you’re still not seeing the results. In some cases, people have tried over-the-counter medications while, in other situations they may have used topical treatments, but the fact remains that the matter what kind of treatment they have tried if they didn’t achieved the results they needed, then they start to feel as though the condition will never clear up. So, if you’re one of those people who are running out of patience with your acne then here are some great natural acne treatments which may just help.

Try a natural cleanser

You may not know this, but it’s actually very easy to create your own natural cleansers which are gentle on your face but tough on your acne. If you’re looking for cheap, but effective ways to cure your acne then here are some simple tips I have picked up over the years.

  • Try using pineapple juice mixed with baking soda to make a home-made mask. Believe it or not but this is actually very effective and has the added side-effect of being a
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Your Morning Routine Sets The Day

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How often do you jump out of the bed, get ready and rush out the door to work or getting the kids off to school? It may only be a few minutes from my house to my workplace at 99 City Road in the heart of London but most days, I still struggle to get there on time.Do you often feel stressed and constantly on the go or even behind in everything you have to do?

Your morning routine plays a big part in how you handle the day and often determines how the rest of your day will go. If you can create some quiet time in the morning, to ease into your day, you’ll be better equipped to handle what life throws at you. Starting your morning with quiet time won’t make all your troubles go away and it won’t prevent the day from trying to tackle you, but it will give you a better foundation and a better mindset to deal with the problems and issues that come along during the day.

Try getting up half an hour earlier, especially if you have children and need to get them up, dressed and out the door for school. By having some quiet time to yourself, you set yourself up to handle things better. If you’re the kind of person who hits the alarm, jumps out of bed and immediately has to get everyone else in the house awake, your morning time probably feels hectic. Just getting half an Read the rest

Home Builders Are Now Targeting The Senior Market

Home builders are currently facing a rapidly emerging demographic that has forced the housing industry to begin shifting away from traditional forms of real estate development into methods that cater specifically to the needs of seniors. According to the United States Census Bureau, 100 million U.S. citizens, or a third of the countryandrsquo;s population, will be 50 years or older by the year 2018. Many of these seniors and retiring Baby Boomers are now starting to transition from larger homes in which they have resided for years into more manageable accommodations. Consequently, real estate developers are currently scrambling to provide housing that meets the need of the Baby Boomer generation. Pam Willard from ana Recruitment – a leading provider of care staff in Aberdeen, Scotland explains

Home builders are not only adjusting due to the massive size of the senior population on the horizon, but also because of the significant purchasing power of this blossoming demographic. The younger generations that the housing industry has focused its efforts on in recent years have been relatively poor in saving their earnings and liberal with financing their homes. Conversely, seniors generally maintain strict personal finance principals whereby wages are saved and any debt is paid down as quickly as possible. Therefore, while many younger homeowners are using the bulk of their earnings to pay heavily leveraged home mortgages, many Baby Boomers are preparing to utilize their savings and the equity in their current homes to purchase the residences in which they plan … Read the rest

Storing and Insuring Antique Classic Cars

You may not believe it but one of my passions is actually antique motor cars! Now, most articles on antique classic cars deal with car history and pedigree and how wonderful it can be own them. You often even get to read about how to find mechanics and spares for these cars. There’s one part to the antique car ownership experience that is often neglected though – storage and insurance.

There was something in the news recently about how these days, all films in the national archives are stored on hard disks. The only problem with this is that hard disks need to be spun up every once in a while. Leave them there like you would a book in a library, and a year or so later, they freeze and become completely unusable. You’ve seen those television shows about some lucky rich guy in Malibu or somewhere else who has a garage full of Rovers and E-Type Jags. The way they look, it’s they’re always standing there. The thing is though, that storing antique classic cars is all about keeping them moving often. An old car that just stands there for even a month can be far worse off for the experience.

The upholstery begins to fall apart with that kind of disuse. The tires begin to crack, the engine and transmission begin to seize, the batteries die, the fuel lines choke up, and so on. First-time classic car owners often just put their cars under a big … Read the rest

SME’s – How Secure Is Your Virtual Desktop Environment

As we become more connected with our multiple Wi-Fi enabled devices, the growing alternatives for several SMEs has seen a revolutionary change in the way we operate our IT provision.  With many suppliers today offering accessibility to the cloud and the option of a digital desktop, the one thing that many small and medium size businesses will need to think about is how secure it all is. My good friend, Bruce Skinner from explains more.

What is a Virtual Desktop?

If you’ve been in business for some time you will be acquainted with the computer in the office that is linked to your IT system and contains specific kinds of software that are important for the day to day running of your office.  In the last few decades, the sea change has been away from onsite IT provision to hosted systems where your key desktop apps and data are now held with a central server that is accessed on the internet.  The cloud allows you to access your digital desktop from almost anywhere and any system which has a Wi-Fi link.  That means that you can log onto any computer and also get access to all of your kit without being tied down.

The Advantage to SMEs

The large advantage of cloud hosting is that SMEs receive all of the computing power they need at a fraction of the price and access to a selection of professional knowledge that would otherwise be restrictive in a standard
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Diecast Model Cars – Why Scale Matters

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When it comes to the subject of diecast model cars, there’s not much more important than the matter of scale. There seems to be a bewildering number of choices when it comes to this subject and it can be very confusing for anyone who is starting to think about collecting them or buying one as a gift for a loved one. That’s why I thought I would try and clear things up a little with my handy guide to scale – what it means and how it affects detail and pricing etc. Enjoy.

So lets start by considering the different Scales

Let’s start with a definition: Scale ( skal ) n. –

A proportion used in determining the dimensional relationship of a representation to that which it represents ( )

Diecast cars come in many different scales from small 1:64 scale models to large 1:12 scale models. Often you will see scale denoted in different ways. The most common two ways are using the forward slash ” / ” and the colon ” : ” We will use them interchangeably in this article. Scale is a fractional representation of the size of a model in comparison with the real car. So, a 1:18 scale diecast car for example will be 1/18th the size of a real car. Every 18 inches of the real car will be represented by 1 inch of a scale diecast car.

The easiest way to visualize this is through an example. Using a 1/18 … Read the rest

Finding Interesting Fish and Seafood Recipes

Unlike the good old days where you had to stick to the already tested and proven ways of cooking, people from different cultures can now share new and adventurous fish and seafood recipes across different platforms. This is proof that globalization and technological advancement is not only good for massive businesses that drive the world economy, but also for the simpler, yet essential dining experiences of us, everyday folks. Think of how an Indian woman can easily discover a new way of cooking her tuna, and then share the same experience with her neighbors. Before long, if her recipe mesmerizes the taste buds of diners in her local community (and online communities of course), it soon finds its way into local hotels and later into kitchens preparing and cooking international cuisine. I love to cook but I insist on the freshest, best quality ingredients – especially when it comes to seafood. That’s why I always source from the good people at Maresca Fish – please check out their website for details.

The internet is, naturally, the best place to find different and fascinating fish and seafood recipes. Typing the right keywords into any search engine will, almost definitely return numerous search results. As every chef who uses the internet to find recipes knows, not every recipe will appeal to everyone’s tastes. Because of this chefs always ask some of their colleagues to taste and comment on their new recipes before serving it up to their clients. If you are cooking … Read the rest

What Do We Mean By A Model of Car?

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A car  model is a particular brand of vehicle sold under a marque by a manufacturer, usually within a range of models, usually of different sizes or capabilities.

From an engineering point of view, a particular car model is usually defined and/or constrained by the use of a particular car chassis/bodywork combination or the same monocoque, although sometimes this is not the case, and the model represents a marketing segment.

A model may also be referred to as a nameplate, specifically when referring to the product from the point of view of the manufacturer,especially a model over time.

For example, the Chevrolet Suburban is the oldest automobile nameplate in continuous production, dating to 1934, while the Chrysler New Yorker was the oldest North American car nameplate.

“Nameplate” is also sometimes used more loosely, however,to refer to a brand or division of larger company, rather than a specific model.

This engineering frame may have derivatives, giving rise to more than one body style for a particular car model.

For example, the same model can be offered as a four-door sedan,a two-door coupé, a station wagon, or even as a folding-roof convertible, all derived from essentially the same engineering frame.

An example of this is the BMW 3-series – just like the diecast model cars sold by Silent Autos for example.

Fully specifying an automobile can involve many levels of detail, most basically:

Manufacturer Model Model year and often further:

Body style Trim level

Individual options Traditionally in North America, especially in … Read the rest