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Why I Love WordPress

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One of the most popular blogging platforms on the internet is WordPress. I use it on this site. It can easily be added to your domain. This will allow you to make blog posts and customize your website within minutes. WordPress is popular because of the plugins and themes that can be used. This blogging platform will allow a novice to create a full featured website rapidly, regardless of their prior experience. For some, WordPress is preferable because of how it can help websites rank higher in the search engines. Here are the top WordPress SEO strategies that I have developed in conjunction with my web designers, Azzurro Blu that you can use to help you achieve top rankings using this blogging platform.

An Overview Of WordPress

WordPress is a free content management system. It is very easy to add it to your domain. Once you have purchased a domain, and you have changed the name server, you can add this domain to your web hosting platform. By going into cPanel, you can create the email address for your website, and also install the WordPress blogging platform. After it is installed, it is accessible through a username and password that you will set up. This will allow you to access the WordPress control panel. Once inside, you can make changes to customize the way that your website looks. You can also add content that will be SEO optimized.

How WordPress Helps With SEO

There are several reasons why WordPress is … Read the rest