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acne treatment

Some Natural Cures For Stubborn Acne

Just ask anyone who has ever suffered from acne and they will tell you that one of the most annoying things is when you have tried lots of acne treatments but none have worked and you feel completely at the end of your tether. You know, it gets to the point when you start to think that you have tried every cream, applied every lotion, and taken every supplement in a vain attempt to make your skin better. But you’re still not seeing the results. In some cases, people have tried over-the-counter medications while, in other situations they may have used topical treatments, but the fact remains that the matter what kind of treatment they have tried if they didn’t achieved the results they needed, then they start to feel as though the condition will never clear up. So, if you’re one of those people who are running out of patience with your acne then here are some great natural acne treatments which may just help.

Try a natural cleanser

You may not know this, but it’s actually very easy to create your own natural cleansers which are gentle on your face but tough on your acne. If you’re looking for cheap, but effective ways to cure your acne then here are some simple tips I have picked up over the years.

  • Try using pineapple juice mixed with baking soda to make a home-made mask. Believe it or not but this is actually very effective and has the added side-effect of being a
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